Monday, February 05, 2007

almost forgot...

Amy sent me this link to an article by a climatologist in Canada who, more or less, is making the same complaints that I did earlier, although without the eloquent tongue of Jeff Ready to assist him! ;)


  1. I sent that link to Sheri and she replied with this link.

    Woot, war of the links!

    On an entirely unrelated note, Rex Grossman stinks. He stunk at Florida and he still stinks playing for the Bears. Not that that o-line helped any. Oh well. Congrats Colts.

  2. They report on their "their connections to the tobacco industry" ... what? Don't tell me farmers are in support of human caused global warming!

  3. I should point out (for the thousands of people that read my blog every day), that associating someone, or not associating them, with the oil industry, tobacco industry, environmental movements, greenpeace, communists, monarchists, or anarchists, does nothing to prove one way or the other that global warming is caused by humans. Although it is fun to do. I'm still looking for actual experimental data, despite the link-blast fun.
