Thursday, May 04, 2006

Mr. Happy Burger

Scott, Eno, and I took my plane up to Logansport today for a business meeting. When flying into small airports, they often have courtesy cars available for pilots to use free of charge for a few hours. In my experience, these cars are, well, what you would expect to get for free -- or in this case, for a $10 donation. Either way, it certainly beats going through all the trouble to rent a car from a car rental company. I've never had to do anything except grab the keys and go. Since they have your plane, I'm guessing they aren't too worried about you not returning the car. LOL.

In Logansport, we stumbled onto this place called "Mr. Happy Burger" -- needless to say, it called us in. Pictured here are Scott and I standing in front of the restaurant and right behind our slick ride. Nothing like showing up to a business meeting in this fine vehicle!

It was about a 35 minute flight to Logansport from Greenwood, and it was smooth and uneventful, although it was overcast and hazy on the way back. There isn't a whole lot to look at on the ground when flying in northern Indiana, but getting the chance to fly is always fun. And besides, who would pass up on the chance to cruise Logansport in a late model station wagon while chomping down on a Mr. Happy Burger. "Good Times!" as Dana would say.


  1. It might be Logansport, or it might be Peru....there's a hot dog place called 'Mr. Weenee' and the biggest dog holding the sign up.

    Suprised there's not more accidents in front of the place...BP

  2. This is Logansport IN no doubt!
    Growing up as a kid in the 70 and 80's I remember sitting in the kiddy trolly and getting a free hamburger as your parents dine in. I have now moved far away and oh do I miss their wonderful Cokes and tenderloin and BBQ sandwiches. I will be back in Indiana for the first time in 9yrs and you better bet it will be one of my first visits.

  3. I work there. Haha. Awesome. That Mr. Weenee must be in Peru, because it's not in Logan.
